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What reforms in education does hilaire bellock suggest in his essay "on An Education Reforms".| Bring out the elements of irony and satire in the essay "on An Education Reform" written by Hilaire Bellock.

What reforms in education does hilaire bellock suggest in his essay "on An Education Reforms".| Bring out the elements of irony and satire in the essay "on An Education Reform" written by Hilaire Bellock.
The essay "On An Educational Reform" composed by Hilaire Bellock is written in an ironical tone . The writer says that since the world has changed . There should be some reform in education. Hilaire Bellock says that the modern world has improved greatly . The author does not agree with this but his companions do believe it. Therefore there must be some reform in education . He says that a reform in education is very much needed . The author believes that the education of rich children will get a reform or improvement which has been overdue for many years . He suggests that fraud as a new subjects should be added in the school curriculum.
              The writer says that the world has entered a new era in which men earn money by fraud; success depends on earning money . The man who is wealthy is taken as great. Therefore the writer suggests that fraud should be taught in schools. This is a pity that such an important subject is not taught in school. That is why people of great parts fit for highest posts failed to achieve their end, because they were outwitted by those who were quite uneducated but they knew how to cheat . Very young students may not understand it fully but senior students should be taught fraud. They should make assurances which appear true and possible . However , they should not accept later that they ever did so. 
                The writer suggests that at least half an hour per week should be given to the teachings of this subjects . He says that bribery and telling of lies are natural qualities of human it means that these qualities are with the man since birth . So, there is no need to teach them in schools. They should be taught telling lies when they can get money. Otherwise they should be economical in falsehood . 
          The author says that the aim of every man is to earn more and more money. So all our efforts should be kept in mind . Young men lying about the grandeur of their acquaintance , their personal powers and the like, are uneconomical in falsehood . The author gives an example. It is just as easy to brag about a horse that you want to sell as about your horsemanship . We should tell a lie about something from which he can earn money otherwise we shall only waste our power and time . The writer says that black mail is a hard subject. For it the knowledge of the affairs of the world is necessary . It cannot be expected of young boys. Black-mail is to obtain money by threatening others to expose their weakness. It is sort of hush money. Younger students can not be expert in this tricky art.
            There are two kinds of opinions regarding the teaching of fraud. Some educationists suggest that black-mail , monopoly , bribery and perjury should be taught to the students at school. But they are difficult subjects . They can be taught to older boys who have mature minds. On the other hand, some people say that fraud should not be taught in schools, for it may create a war of wits among the students. The ablest will outwit the others. But this can be said about all the branches of learning. 
         The author satirizes of the dirty politics of M.Ps . In parliament . The teacher can teach the students bh showing the furtive movements of two crabs in the tank. One tries to kill the another . The other avoids the attack and then chases it instead . The teacher will explain this strange trick and tell how these things are done in the public life . When the students will get the chance to serve the nation as an M.P. . These tricks will be beneficial to them . Them author says that no training is necessary for bribe . it is natural human quality . But one should not be very greedy. One should not offer too much nor too little . if he offers too much, he may not gain enough in return . But it he offers too little , he will never get object of his desire.
        Bellock has pointed out the corruption that has entered our social life in an easy and familiar style . Those who are expert in the art of fraud , are more successful than honest, hard working and ignorant people. Finally , the author says that it is an age of materialism and the sole aim of the people is to earn money by hook or by crook , therefore , fraud should be the master subject to be taught to the students in schools. 


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